Thursday, November 28, 2019
Oral Arguments and Decision
Introduction Oral arguments and briefs have a great influence on juristsââ¬â¢ decisions in the courts. In his book, Oral Arguments and Decision Making on the United States Supreme Court, Timothy Johnson notes that judges consider a number of issues such as oral arguments, political considerations, and external factors, which are not part of the case records prior to making an ultimate decision in a particular case. Conventionally, jurists do not decide on how to decree on a particular case before listening to it.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Oral Arguments and Decision-making on the Supreme Court specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The intent of this paper is to affirm that oral arguments affect how judges make decisions in courts and in this particular instance, in the Supreme Court. The paper begins by a summary of a reading Timothy Johnsonââ¬â¢s book, Oral Arguments and Decision Making on the United Stat es Supreme Court. Summary of the oral arguments and decision-making on the US Supreme Court Johnson argues that advocates should not use oral argument as a tool for influencing judges, but rather for accomplishing the goals that the judges have set. He further asserts that conscious of the existing external factors that might influence the process of decision-making and the need for creating strong internal coalitions, judges capitalize on the arguments to get facts, form legal, and procedure matters for conference deliberation, and finally use them to develop their written judgments (Johnson 28). Johnson presents a properly researched writing that helps students comprehend how strategic decision-making is achieved in the Supreme Court. Johnson notes that litigation involves the presentation of legal problems in two opposing sides with the exemption of the amicus briefs, with the two opposing sides presenting their arguments on biased grounds (26). Conscious of the bias-based argume nts, judges utilize oral argument as a tool for determining issues, which are of greatest importance irrespective of whether they were tabled by advocates. How oral arguments affect decision-making in the Supreme Court In his book, Johnson refers to a number of cases tackled in the 1970-80s and uses them to compare the briefs presented by the parties and the questions that developed during the oral argument session. The aim of the latter is to determine if the court simply requests the parties to explicate the issues that they wrote in their briefs or they go past the issues outlined in the briefs and seek clarification on new developments. According to Johnson, most issues raised by judges, close to 80%, are new concerns that were not tackled by the parties and amicus (98). Furthermore, in instances where the jurists raise issues in relation to the briefs, they mainly seek to understand how particular issues in the briefs affect public policy. In essence, judges are concerned with how the litigantsââ¬â¢ briefs influence external factors, for instance as the Congress to help them determine policy options that should adopt in coming to a particular conclusion.Advertising Looking for essay on law? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Indeed, oral argument plays a critical, but distinct role for advocates and judges. When an advocate presents his or her oral argument, he or she is able to clarify facts related to the cases that helps the judges when examining what the case actually entails (Johnson 47). By simply tabling the briefs, they are never assured if the court heard their plea, as they are not certain if the judges read the briefs. Even the responses from the judges do not erase the doubts as the judgesââ¬â¢ legal clerks normally prepare the responses. Oral argument is an important communication aspect to the court as it assures the litigants that they have communicated and the genuine people have heard their cases. It affirms the significance of face-to-face communication. The nature of communication adopted by a lawyer during the oral submission is of great essence. Moreover, oral arguments help judges to get the main points because lawyers have to be precise. It compels advocates to concentrate on issues, which they consider as important. Since lawyers often have a fixed time, possibly one or two hours, to present their oral argument, the litigant is thus compelled to highlight the important issues. This use of language is absent in briefs where lawyers have the liberty to respond to the laws and facts that they find relevant for their case. Moreover, lawyers will be in search of fresh perspectives in relation to the case. As a result, jurists are able to seek clarification on some of the questions that emerged from the briefs. Unlike briefs, justices are in a position to know the highlights of the case as they can easily question the litigant to explain to the court what he or she considers as collateral issues, which should be put into consideration during their judgment. Subsequently, if an advocate fails to clarify some of the issues he or she raised in the brief, then he or she cannot blame the court if it makes a little drift from the issues when making its judgment. In essence, the oral argument has the power to shape the outcome the judges intend to make. The justices can use it to get backing for their verdicts and ultimate results. Johnson notes that most issues that justices raise during an oral argument presentation often appear in their written opinions (73). For instance, in the case of Roe v Wade, a question that emerged during the oral argument later developed to a Courtââ¬â¢s theory (Johnson 75). In essence, oral arguments give judges an instrument for substantiating the reasons why they particular decisions. The communication amongst judges is also a vibrant occurrence during oral arguments. This aspect helps judges in raising ma tters that probably a litigant had shied from presenting. Furthermore, raising such questions helps judges to tackle some issues that would complicate the decision-making process if not handled early enough and in the open.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Oral Arguments and Decision-making on the Supreme Court specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Indeed, the time that justices get to have a collegial deliberation in the Supreme Court is normally inadequate, and thus they may utilize a portion of the oral argument session to consult each other on the possible outcome of a case (Johnson 94). Nonetheless, the major role of oral argument is to endow justices with adequate and pertinent information. Justices are coupled with reservations that can only be altered by relevant information and laws. From this approach, litigants present oral arguments to give justices information that can shape how they decide on their clien tââ¬â¢s case. In essence, the aim of advocates is to table issues and link them to the current law coupled with how they are going to affect the public policies. Judges rely on the oral submissions made by lawyers to assist them in advancing their goals. A skilled oral advocate can largely influence the outcome of a given case. For instance, in the case of Jensen v Quaring (1985), Justice Blackmun confessed that the oral arguments made by the respondents simplified his decision-making process. Considering the aforementioned issues, what type of information that justices seek after that eventually influences their position in a particular case? At times, justices simply need to have a clear-cut understanding of the issues presented by litigants. Jurists raise questions on certain issues not only to get facts, but also to determine the type of approach that they should adopt. Lawyers are thus compelled to think beyond the facts and law applicable in a certain case and they are advi sed to incorporate the social and political effects of the case in their arguments because judges will consider social and political impact of their ruling with respect to the case. Judges try to associate every point raised by advocates to other scenarios in a bid to construct the actual outcome of the arguments. Essentially, they want advocates to guide them towards a particular path. Nevertheless, judges do not communicate their strategies directly to litigants. One can tell approach adopted by the courts by examining the questions that justices raise during oral arguments. Recent studies indicate that one can simply predict the outcome of a case by tallying the amount of questions directed to a given party. Apparently, a lawyer that receives a certain question ends up losing his or her case (Johnson, 91). Moreover, the prevailing tone during the oral argument can affect the ultimate decision made by judges. The tone gives a glimpse of the speakerââ¬â¢s ambitions, intentions, and aspirations. Presumably, when judges adopt a harsh tone towards a given lawyer, then he or she is likely to lose the case Jonathan, (28).Advertising Looking for essay on law? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Johnson comes up with a number of models that Supreme Court judges apply when making decisions with respect to oral arguments. Judges are affected by the quality of information presented by a litigant. In that, judges are likely to vote for the attorney who offers the best oral argument. In this regard, it can be noted that judges may be influenced by a lawyers experience and skills in oral arguments. For instance, judges are likely to be convinced by a Solicitor General that an advocate who has a one year in experience. Another argument is that policy preference plays a role in how judges make decisions after an oral argument. In that, judges are likely to support attorneys whose presentations are close to their policy preferences. Nonetheless, the law restricts how judges are influenced by their ideological beliefs. To explain the latter, Johnson (94) develops the conditional effect of oral advocacy theory where he argues that the proximity of the ideological position of judge in comparison to an attorney is likely to be influenced by the credibility of an attorneyââ¬â¢s oral argument. Moreover, the oral argument plays a substantial role in complex cases. Using the conditional effect of information need theory, Johnson (102) asserts that the influence of oral arguments on judges in dependant on the complexity of a particular case. Conclusion The importance and impact of oral argument on the Supreme Courtââ¬Ës decisions can never be ignored. Not every case is decided on oral arguments; however, when justices begin requesting advocates to expound certain issues during oral arguments, then its significance cannot be overlooked. Oral arguments influence all parties in the Supreme Court and the eventual decision made by judges. By focusing on the important issues, it aids judges in deciding on the strategy that they will adopt in their judgment. On the other hand, justices ask the lingering questions that might have developed from the briefs and get clarifi cation on the important issues of the case. Moreover, it gives judges an opportunity to have collegial consultations on issues that would have possibly made it difficult to determine a case. The impact of oral argument on the Supreme Court cases can thus never be underrated, as it influences the decisions made by judges despite the presence of briefs. Works Cited Johnson, Timothy. Oral arguments and decision-making on the United Statesà Supreme Court, New York: State University of New York Press, 2011. Print. This essay on Oral Arguments and Decision-making on the Supreme Court was written and submitted by user MotherAskani to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
General Pattons Leadership and Communication Style Analysis Essays
General Pattons Leadership and Communication Style Analysis Essays General Pattons Leadership and Communication Style Analysis Paper General Pattons Leadership and Communication Style Analysis Paper HIS authoritarian father role modeled a successful totalitarian approach which would eave overshadowed any attempt at a democratic leadership style (General Patton, n. D. ). A leaders selection of a particular behavioral style depends In part on the schemata that he has stored in long-term memory (Hickman Johnson, 2009, p 62). General Patton was a formidable and strategic leader. Patton is now considered one of the greatest military figures in history (General Patton, n. D. ). Unfortunately, his blunt and intolerant personality and his authoritarian leadership style, at one point, was the primary force In his fall from grace. Even though Patton enlisted excellent military technicians, such as General Omar Bradley, his authoritative approach stifled their suggestions and constructive criticisms; ultimately leading to not only their dissatisfaction and throughout the ranks (Hickman Johnson, 2009, p 45). Albeit these military technicians were highly trained, if General Patton had utilized a democratic style of leadership the decision- making process might have stalled to the point of becoming ineffectual, war and the military often demand immediate and decisive actions (Hickman Johnson, 2009, p 43 46). General Patton maintained strict control over his subordinates and demanded 110% effort from everyone. His expectations were over-inflated, rigid, callous, and unyielding. Once his mind was made up no other possibilities would be considered. Once Patton ordered General Trust to either perform the Impossible or be replaced (Hickman Johnson, 2009, p 51). A democratic leader would have discussed, evaluated, and proposed a collaborated solution to the predicament. He was also Intolerant of shortcomings In others, especially cowardice. : A good leader has the wherewithal to determine the appropriate leadership style for each situation (Hickman , 2009, p 56). General Omar Bradley was considered the Gigs General due to his more democratic leadership style and understanding of his mens OFF needs. He stated, IT a witling napes to tense men I 0 Like to De tenure Walt Patton created and maintained a distance between him and his followers; believing that a fear of him would make them try harder (Hickman Johnson, 2009, p 42). Leaders should be ethical and serve the common good (Hickman Johnson, 2009, p 16). General Patton generally ignored the ideas, feelings, and rank of others, even superiors (Hickman Johnson, 2009, p 51). In utilizing his typical downward and linear communication style, his retort to a Junior officer reading General Alexander command for Patton to stop his advance to the west Thats what you think it said. I think it was garbled in transmission (Hickman Johnson, 2009, p 8). Communication styles General Patton did not employ the more effective transactional model of communication. His model was more in line with the action model of unilateral or linear messaging (Hickman Johnson, 2009, p 8-9). If he would have developed a more interactive model with feedback from each receiver, employing a more participative involvement with his staff, his followers might have been more receptive to his decisions and changes (Libber McConnell, 2008, p 424). He demonstrated an uncanny ability to motivate his troops. Impression management is the key to successful military leadership Creating the impression that they are trustworthy, effective, morally worthy, innovative, and skilled (Hickman Johnson, 2009, p 30 31). Impression management can increase cooperation, but his sometimes detrimental impression management undermined relationships (Hickman Johnson, 2009, p 33). His statement The soldier is the army. No army is better than its soldiers exemplifies respect towards his men and communicates how vital they are to the success of the operations. But in reality, in almost every operation, he demonstrated more concern for the successful completion of his assignment than for the soldiers welfare. He personally directed the completion of most tasks; textbook authority compliance behavior (Hickman Johnson, 2009, p 55). Patton tended to dominate communications with Leadership is about who you are [and] what you do, instead of Leadership is about how you act [and] how you work with others. Influence instead of force and collaboration instead of demands is a more effective style of leadership (Hickman Johnson, 2009, p 10-11). Patton was a devotee of history, especially the classical age, and related many satirical lessons through its retelling. If the German officers would have accepted the Junior officers prediction that Patton would strike in Sicily, reenacting the Greek and Romans examples, the war might have had a different outcome. Storytelling is a technique for relating events, inspiring actions and values, as well as building strong relationships and a sense of affiliation (Hickman Johnson, 2009, p 23). Patton was ordered by his superiors to repair the damage to his public image, resulting from his disrespecting an enlisted man with a slap, through a public apology. His charismatic style of communication facilitated him in account[inning] for his missteps in ways that reduce their negative impact (Hickman Johnson, 2009, p Follows communication Leaders play an intricate role in enabling their followers to perform successfully through acknowledging and respecting their needs (Hickman Johnson, 2009, p 59). Needs are central to task motivation; whether the needs are basic (food, water and shelter) or Mascots Pyramid Self-Actualization (Bellman Deal, 2008, p 124). We can achieve our goal only if we fulfill the needs of our own people (Bellman Deal, 2008, p 123). Patton preferred the Theory X management approach, believing that subordinates exhibit a dislike and a lack of motivation for work, requiring active management, direction, and motivation by a superior (Bellman Deal, 2008, p 126; Libber McConnell, 2008, p 351 529). The leader who thinks of followers as generally incompetent Is much more likely to engage in authoritarian leadership that calls for strict supervision and direction (Hickman Johnson, 2009, p 62). In contrast, studies generally demonstrate that followers perform best when they are allowed autonomy and active participation (Hickman Johnson, 2009, p 56). Through his overindulged ego fog he does not understand how others perceived him, that there are 50,000 men on this island whod like to shoot [Patton], or that The men do not share Patrons sense of glory, because they are stuck there living each day with death tugging at their elbow. He expected his men to show discipline and extraordinary character and only then did he respond with respect. Patton epitomized the inconsiderate leader through his lack of self-control, superseded ego, criticizing of soldiers in front of others, making threats, and refusing to accept lowers suggestions or explanations (Hickman Johnson, 2009, p 53). His decisions were sometimes corrupt, insular, and self serving. He demonstrated blatant arrogance; not acknowledging his own mistakes but instead blaming others. His insatiable arrogance was demonstrated in his arriving first in Messing, Sicily and in Bastions, France in spite of the cost of so many mens lives. He did not know how to match his mood appropriately to some situation; sometimes his irritation and annoyance led to anger and rage (Hickman Johnson, 2009, p 29). His demonstrations of callousness to his men was the origin of his nickname Old Blood ND Guts; our blood, his guts. A leader must value the feelings of his followers in order to bond with them and illicit their best performance (Hickman Johnson, 2009, p 28). Patton made a critical dysfunctional leadership error when he slapped an enlisted man for showing cowardice; violating the soldiers human rights (Hickman Johnson, 2009, p 17). He believed his fall from grace was a direct result of the slapping as he states All glory is fleeting. He cant believe that something so trivial could keep him from fulfilling his destiny. He deifies himself when he states God will not allow it. Patrons personal assistant, Let. Colonel Cadmic is an exemplary follower, knowing what they want to achieve in life and commit[ting] themselves to achieving [it] They understand what tasks are most important to achieving the organizations vision (Hickman Johnson, 2009, p 59). Let. Colonel Cadmic was also conciliatory; effective in appeasing General Patrons ego and needs. He assisted in Patrons Illusions AT great power: even tong Held Marshall Roomer was not present at ten campaign, he was still the originator of the battle plan and therefore, Patton did beat Roomer. Task vs.. Interpersonal Orientation As a leader, he excelled within the task orientated model, performing brilliantly with the technical military stratagems, but failed with interpersonal relationships, exhibiting poor people skills. An effective leader is able to maintain these two leadership characteristics in balance (Hickman Johnson, 2009, p 51). In the functional arena he was admired for his successes; never allowing for retreat but instead demanding offensive tactics. Winning was exceptionally important to Patton and this autocratic leadership ideal was evident in his statements: Wars are not won by defensive tactics. You keep moving and the enemy cannot hit you. When you dig a foxhole, you dig your grave. He excelled in his knowledge; of the enemy commander, having read Field Marshall Roomers warfare tactics book, and the performance limits of his men and equipment, having supreme knowledge of the tanks. Also effective, was his detailed preparation of the physical environment and action plans; applying historical strategies from the ancient Roman and Greek times. His poor people skills not only created considerable tension between him and other commanders, as evidenced with the deliberate race for control of Sicily with General Montgomery, but also between himself and his men, as exemplified with the incident of the slapping of the soldier. He was told by his superiors amour worst enemy is your big mouth. Leaders must demonstrate valued personality traits such as integrity, sincerity, and stability in order to earn and keep the respect and loyalty of their followers (Hickman Johnson, 2009, p 28 32). Conclusion General Patton employed both positive and negative leadership behaviors. The contradiction of his leadership is an example of what a leader can be and what they should not be.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The Triplet Genetic Code Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The Triplet Genetic Code - Assignment Example The commonly used theory is the Stereochemical Theory that states that codon tasks are influenced by the physiochemical similarities amongst anticodons (cognate codons) and amino acids. The second theory is the Coevolution Theory that asserts that amino acids biosynthesis conduits and the code structure coevolved. The third is the "error minimization theory" that posits that the selectiveness to reduce the negative effects of point mutations and errors of translation comprised a big part of the evolution of the code. The similarities between amino acids and cognate triplets seen in "Aptamer Selection Experiments" seem exclusive in relation to enhanced tasks of the involved amino acid in the standardized code table (Caporaso, Yarus & Knight, 2005). Therefore, regardless of whether these affinities are related to the code's origin, the properties in relation to "error minimization" with regard to the standardized code continue to prompt added elucidations. Stereochemical Theory supporters contend that some assignments of the amino acids have stereochemical qualities, while others have transformed into discriminatory compulsion for error minimization, leading to the seen sturdiness of the standardized code. Biological experiments have indicated that even when about 8-12 amino acids tasks are fixed within the standardized table, there remain many spaces to generate highly optimized genetic codes (Pain, 2010). The explanation aforementioned, however, is seen to contradict with a number of biological proof.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
SUPPLY CHAIN PROCUREMENT IN THE US ARMY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
SUPPLY CHAIN PROCUREMENT IN THE US ARMY - Essay Example ng, Budgeting and Execution (PPBE) Process, which is vested with proper planning of the supply system, program investigation, and implementation, and resource budgeting. This is the arm that is responsible for identifying the need for resources. The second division of the department of defense is the joint chief of staff integration that is vested with the responsibility of identifying gaps in the supply system and coming up with ways of filling those gaps. The last arm is the defense acquisition system which is vested with the procurement process of weapons and other resources that may be needed by the military. The military supply chain management of the DoD is composed of 7 components, which are suppliers, procurement, manufacturing, order management, transportation, warehousing and customers (soldiers). The success factors of the army are customer needs, information need, environmental concerns, deployment, mission, and interoperation. The primary aim in the military supply chain is to acquire the best machinery for combat, and at the same time working within the budgetary allocations. The process of the supply chain procurement of the army starts with the acquisition from supplier, then on the process, which can be warehousing or transportation and finally on the order management after order from the soldier (customer). The supply chain for the army may have a problem in implementing a customer-centric and process-centric supply chain in that the supply chain is very rigid and dependent on the regulations of army procurement (Weisgerber, 2014). There is no single step procurement process the way it is in the corporate and this means the procurement can also be long. The strategy of the US army is something that is subject to confidentiality because it touches on the security of the state. The suppliers are normally outsiders and are not privy to the confidential information, although they sign confidentiality agreements. It is, therefore, hard to align the
Monday, November 18, 2019
U.S involvement in Colombia Drug War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
U.S involvement in Colombia Drug War - Essay Example In that direction, the US authorities starting from 1980s focused on stopping the flow of drugs into the US from South America, particularly Columbia. Although, the US authorities initiated covert measures earlier, it was in the late 1990s, the US and the Columbian government officially formalized their anti-drug strategy under the term called Plan Columbia. So, the USââ¬â¢ involvement in Colombia under War on Drugs will be focused here, starting with the discussion of Columbiaââ¬â¢s drug background and the early US strategy, followed by military and other actions taken by the US and Columbia as part of Plan Columbia, and finally the results of that plan. Drugs abuse is one of the serious social problems that has affected and is still affecting many societies of the world. Apart from social impacts, it is manifesting into political and even military issue, particularly when the activity of drug trafficking is focused. Drugs that are cultivated and processed in South American countries are mainly trafficked into the United States. Among those countries, Columbia is one of the prominent ones from where there is an increased flow of drugs, further accentuated by internal conflicts. That is, Colombia has long been considered to be one of the most active markets for illegal drugs such as cocaine, heroin, and others and that illegal drug trade has contributed to it becoming a hotspot for rebel wars, social unrest, and other political, social, and economic problems. ââ¬Å"The Colombian drug trade is estimated at $10 billion and presently accounts for 43 percent of global coca supply (as well as smaller amounts of marijuana and heroin poppy) .
Friday, November 15, 2019
Impact of the Stressors of Undercover Operations
Impact of the Stressors of Undercover Operations The present paper has three purposes: (a) to discuss undercover operatives and the stressors inherent to undercover operations based on literature review, (b) to outline the proposed research project, (c) and to examine the expecting findings, conclusions, limitations and relevance for policy and practice of the proposed research project. Keywords: undercover officer, police, stress, personality test It is almost impossible to turn on the news or to watch prime time television without a reference to a takedown or a main character on a sitcom who is an undercover operative. Society is fascinated and romanticizes undercover operatives. These operatives are often portrayed in high risk situations which they usually take on and survive triumphantly. Nevertheless, what most of these news headlines and sitcoms miss is the very complex and difficult work that make up most successful undercover operations. In fact, the public rarely if ever hears or reads about the impact that undercover operations have on the operatives and their personal lives. With the increase in the numbers of Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents working undercover, in 1979 the FBI administration became concerned with the detrimental aspects of the personal commitment required for undercover operations. In 1980 a study was conducted to determine the nature and extent of the stressors being experience by undercover operatives in order to devise methods of reducing their negative effects. The current study will replicate the analysis conducted in 1980. In addition, the present study will further examine the stressors inherent to undercover operations and will focus on undercover operatives negative emotions, reactive behaviors and coping strategies. Problem Statement Undercover operations impact not only the undercover operatives professional life but their personal life as well. There is very little research that addresses this impact or the strengths and limitations of undercover work. The empirical research on police stress in general and undercover stress specifically is limited by quantity, how current and relevant the results are, and the methods employed. The current study seeks to fill this gap in the literature by examining the stressors inherent to undercover operations and determining an undercover agents coping strategies (personality, psychological and social) when dealing with these stressors. Relevance of the Problem As the numbers of FBI agent and task force officers conducting undercover work continue to increase, so do the numbers of psychological assessments being conducted by the FBI Undercover Safeguard Unit (USU). Currently, many of these undercover operations include the infiltration of terrorist and extremist groups. These types of operations have successfully prevented planned terrorist operations in Portland, WA and Baltimore, MD. Nevertheless, the literature has little to offer on the stress brought on by issues such as dual betrayal which is inherent in these types of operations, and represents one of a number singular stressors involved in undercover operations. It is important to examine dual betrayal and other stressors inherent to undercover work in order to determine the risk factors as well as the protective factors that can contribute to the psychological well being of an undercover operative. Implications for policy and/or practice Based on the results of this study recommendations can be made on selection, supervision and administrative procedures designed. These recommendations will seek to minimize the extraneous forms of stress which may negatively impact an undercover operative. In addition, the outcome of this study should help to sensitize the undercover operative and their supervisors to the most destructive forms of stress and to identify the warning signs which indicate that these forms of stress have reached a dangerous level. Lastly, the result of this study can be used to develop new and innovative investigative approaches and techniques in psychological assessments and counseling that would address the undercover employees psychological well-being and operational readiness to engage and/or continue to function in covert or day to day investigations. Literature Review Law enforcement officers (LEOs) are faced with very unique and stressful situations. These situations may include face to face encounters with violent offenders as well as crime scenes with diseased and injured offenders and victims. Many times these law enforcement officers are rejected by the same community they have taken an oath to protect. There are communities which lack respect an admiration for an institution they deem as cruel and corrupt. Therefore, law enforcement officers must effectively mediated and counteract the inherent job related stressors as well as those stressors which are unique to their identity as police officers (Noblet, Rodwell, Allisey, 2009; Adams Buck, 2010; Shane, 2010; McCarty, Zhao Garland, 2007). Many LEOs are unable to successfully incorporate adaptive strategies for mediating occupational stressors. Unfortunately, some of these LEOs succumb to traditionally maladaptive coping mechanisms. This in turn negatively impacts their personal and professional lives which results in more stress and unfavorable outcomes. There are particular segments of the law enforcement community that are exposed to greater number of systemic stressors than others. These LEOs often have workloads that significantly impact their opportunity and ability to utilize coping strategies and to minimize the effects of experienced stressors (Waters Ussery, 2007; Gersho, Barocas, Caonto, Li Vlahov, 2009). Undercover operations attract LEOs who are highly conscientious and have performed well and reliably under stressful and demanding circumstances. Undercover operations are sought out by agents/taskforce officers and their supervisors alike. These types of assignments are often viewed as a stepping stones to professional advancement and personal achievement. There are LEOs who excel in undercover assignments; these officers successfully adapt potentially harmful distress changing it into beneficial stress (eustress). Nevertheless, a review of the literature indicates that LEOs who have healthy coping mechanism are the exception and not the rule. Undercover operations impact the LEO as well as those who surround them. Long-term undercover operations in particular required excessive amounts of time and dedication that are at times inconsistent with the perception and ideologies of many experienced officers (Cuttler Muchinsky, 2006; Cochrane, Tett, Vandecreek, 2003). Long-term operations require the development of a unique relationship with the target. Additionally there is a different relationship between these undercover operatives and their supervisors which at times can intensify an undercovers feelings of isolation and abandonment. These undercover LEOs role playing requirements can be confusing and distressing which in turn negatively impacts their social relationships. Many times the unspecified but understood requirements of undercover operations can end in the downward spiral of a brilliant career, resulting in dysfunctional relationships, personal hardship, a loss of self-esteem and self-respect, and mental and physical damage (Noblet, Rodwell, Allisey, 2009). Several factors can contribute to this downward spiral. Lack of adequate training, lack of effective supervision, unrealistic work demands and an under covers constant need to succeed in an operation are some of the factors that have been observed. Unfortunately, undercover operatives who do not succeed in their respective operations as perceived by the undercover or their supervisors succumb to feelings of shame and embarrassment, become withdrawn, irritable, at times lashing out against the target due to fear, frustration or displaced anger. Undercover operations would seem to heighten the emotional stressors already present in the law enforcement community. Nevertheless, those undercover operatives who acknowledged the negative effects of stressors and reach out for assistance are likely to be ridiculed and ostracized by their colleagues and supervisors. These officers are at times labeled as weak, untrustworthy and/or damaged goods (Cuttler Muchinsky, 2006). In order to understand the impact of stress on law enforcement operatives, it is important to examine stress from an individuals perspective. This examination should include the detrimental and beneficial impact of undercover operations on the professional, personal and social environment of an operative. Most individuals seek to minimize stressors and maximize the rewards (psychological at times) in order to carry on their everyday lives. The sense of purpose from successfully performing an assignment at work and at home can be one such reward. An individuals occupation can provide a source of pride, accomplishment and personal achievement. Nevertheless, this same occupation can be embedded in a stressful environment that fosters frustration causing mental and physical harm. LEOs are constantly exposed to dangerous situations, emotional distress by others, threats to personal safety and life altering split second decisions. This may be compounded by the lack of respect from the public, frustration with the criminal justice system and accumulated experiences of critical incidents. This leaves the LEO susceptible to chronic stress. This is considered a unique trait of the law enforcement profession (Swenson Plebanski, 2009). Additionally, an undercover operatives self expectations and demands from the law enforcement subculture can add to the experiential stressors and behavioral responses. Unique coping strategies in dealing with these stressors have been observed within the law enforcement community. The literature has examined the maladaptive coping strategies that are utilized and the impact that these strategies may have on undercover operatives personal, professional and social lives. These maladaptive coping strategies include but are not limited to; emotional detachment cynicism, alcohol abuse, sexual promiscuity, and high risk behavior (McCarty, Zhao, Garland, 2007; Shane, 2010) . The impact that these maladaptive coping strategies may have on the undercover operatives life has not been succinctly analyzed or discussed in the literature. The empirical research indicates that work assignment can be related to levels of experienced stress within the law enforcement community and can contribute to the subsequent use and acceptance of alcohol as an attempt to mediate levels of stress. Coping strategies that are utilized to address the issue of work related stress are serious concerns for all LEOs; however, some assignments within the law enforcement community may be seen as more stressful than others and may be more pertinent for examination of both work related stress and coping strategies (Gershon, Barocas, Canton, Li, Vlahov, 2009). Undercover assignments, for instance, have been identified as one of the most stressful duties within the law enforcement community. Consequently, further examining the impact of undercover assignments on LEOs can provide a valuable contribution to the literature on police stress (Krause, 2008; Varela, Boccaccini, Scogin, Stump, Caputo, 2004). The psychological problems that can be encountered by a LEO in undercover operation include but are not limited to paranoia, isolation, nervous tension, depression, fear, and anger. Furthermore, more serious personality disorders appear common among officers, both during and after the completion of undercover operations. These disorders also may involve depression, anger-hostility, differing phobias, paranoia, psychotic ideation, and interpersonal insensitivity (Adams Buck, 2010; Carlan Nored, 2008). Overall, the level of suspicion that many officers encounter, and cannot effectively deal with, may cause problems in all areas of their professional and personal lives. In addition to the inherent stressors of undercover work, officers also can experience levels of alienation from society, as well as from their colleagues. The anger and resentment experienced by undercover officers may lead to a self alienation, which exacerbates previous feelings and contributes to the stressors being experienced by the LEO (Carlan Nored, 2008). Finally, undercover assignments can place additional, and sometimes overwhelming, pressure on the personal lives of those involved in such operations. Partners of those assigned to undercover operations are subjected to odd working hours and unpredictable schedules. They are faced with days and even weeks of the officer partner being away from home, and they may experience continual concern for the safety of the LEO. Additionally, operatives engaged in undercover operations are often involved in a role that requires late night partying, the consumption of alcohol, and interactions with members of the opposite sex with whom the officer is attempting to gain trust and confidence. In this setting, the officer may undergo changes in personality and lifestyle as a result of the role, which becomes apparent to the significant other. These stressors represent only a number of the issues that most undercover operatives must effectively deal with day in and day out. Research Strategy Undercover law enforcement officers are dealing with a number of stressors such as divorce, psychological disorders and suicide. In some cases undercover law enforcement officers, given these and other stressors, have been involved in criminal behavior, corruption, and espionage. It is important to determine the nature and extent of the stressors inherent with undercover work and to devise methods of reducing their effects. The purpose of this study is to: Identify those stressors inherent to undercover assignments within federal and local LEOs and to determine the relationship between specific personality, psychological and interpersonal relations orientation styles and the ability to cope with stressors prevalent in undercover operations. The questions being examined are: Is there a significant correlation between personality styles (independent variable) and an undercover law enforcement officers ability to cope with stressors prevalent in undercover assignment (dependent variable)? Is there a significant correlation between psychological characteristics (independent variable) and an undercover law enforcement officers ability to cope with stressors prevalent in undercover assignment (dependent variable)? Is there a significant correlation between interpersonal relations orientation (independent variable) and an undercover law enforcement officers ability to cope with stressors prevalent in undercover assignment (dependent variable)? The research questions will be addressed through the use of validated and reliable psychometric tests. A quantitative research design consisting of psychometric test administered to LEOs assigned and formerly assigned to undercover operations, as well as those who never have been so assigned, will be utilized. Recognizing the impact of undercover assignments on the individual officers involved can assist in addressing the bigger issue of the impact on the law enforcement community. This research has implications for law enforcement agencies concerned with the emotional and professional welfare of officers assigned to undercover duties, and it provides some understanding of the effects of such operations on officers at the individual, social, and professional levels. Furthermore, the results of this study can provide valuable insight into the human toll of undercover operations and allows for the examination of this issue from a holistic and concerned perspective. Data Independent Variable The independent variables will an under covers personality style as measured by the 16PF or 16 Personality Factors test. An under covers psychological characteristics as determined by the MMPI-II, the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory. Lastly an under covers interpersonal relations orientation will be analyzed with the FIRO-B, the fundamental interpersonal relations orientation assessment. Dependant Variable Ideally, measuring the stressors inherent to undercover operations and the coping strategies used by undercover operatives would address the research questions. Thus, the dependant variables measured will be the inherent stressors of undercover operations and coping strategies used. Sample The sample of participants will be a representative stratified sample. The focus will be on undercover law enforcement officers. Ideally, there will be a total of approximately 100 participants in the control and three experimental groups in order to conduct an adequate statistical analysis. This would be a total of 400 participants. Methods Approximately 400 undercover law enforcement officers will be separated into four categories: No experience (control group)- No actual experience as an operative although may possess considerable experience in undercover operations as a contact of back up. Occasional experience (experimental group)- Occasional assignment as an undercover operative for short periods of time (2 days or less). Frequent experience (experimental group)- Frequent assignment as undercover operative but not extended or continuous undercover role requirements (30 days or less). Long term experience (experimental group)- Long term or deep cover experience with extended or continuous role requirements (in excess of 30 days). Execution Procedure: The undercover law enforcement officers will be administered the following test during regularly scheduled safeguard assessments: 16 PF: 16 personality factors a personality assessment (APPENDIX I.) MMPI-II: Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) is test is used to assist in identifying personality structure and psychopathology (or SCL-90R, Millan Instrument MCMI-3) (APPENDIX II.) FIRO-B: Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation (FIRO) is an assessment for interpersonal relations (APPENDIX III.) The Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale: The Holmes and Rahe stress scale is a list of 43 stressful life events that can contribute to illness. (APPENDIX IV.) The Coping Strategies Inventory: is an assessment designed by Rory C. Reid, MSW, Provo Counseling Center. (APPENDIX V.) Anticipated Data Analysis Plan The researchers plans on using Structural Equation Modeling in order to test and estimate causal relations (between personality traits, psychological characteristics, interpersonal relations orientation and an UCs ability to cope with stressors) using a combination of statistical data and qualitative causal assumptions. Expected Findings and Conclusions I expect to identify the stressors inherent to undercover operations. In addition, to determining the specific personality, psychological and interpersonal relations orientation needed to effectively cope with the stressor inherent to undercover work. Expected Relevance for Policy and Practice Research focused on police stress and undercover operations has provided important, but limited insight into the impact of undercover operations on the professional, personal, and social lives of the operatives. There is a lack of empirical research addressing the positive values of undercover assignments from the individual perspective. Therefore, further research is required to identify the impact that undercover assignments have on the lives of those who function in this capacity. Such an understanding is required for efforts to prevent the psychological and physiological damage that can result from continual and high impact stressors faced in undercover operations, and reduce the maladaptive coping methods utilized to counterbalance such stressors. Limitations of the Research The results of this study can only be generalized to the undercover law enforcement population. The researcher also understands that sample size will also determine the genralizability, validity and reliability of this study results to the undercover community. In addition, the operational definitions for four categories of undercover officer, coping strategies and inherent stressors to undercover operations can create bias and may affect the end results of the study. Relevant IRB Issues The IRB will be concerned with determining and assuring that the information obtained on the undercover operatives is recorded in such a manner that the operatives cant be readily identified, directly or through identifiers linked to the operatives; and any disclosure of the operatives responses outside the research could reasonably place the operative at risk of criminal or civil liability or be damaging to the operatives financial standing, employability, or reputation. Given the fact that the study will use historical data currently stored at the Undercover Safeguard Unit (USU), the IRB will further be concerned with making sure that the collection or study of existing data, documents, and records is recorded by the investigator in such a manner again that operatives cannot be identified, directly or through identifiers linked to the operatives. Lastly the IRB will ensure that the approvals of academic and professional department or agency heads are obtained.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Confession, Exploration and Comfort in Upon the Burning of Our House by Anne Bradstreet :: Upon the Burning of Our House
Confession, Exploration and Comfort in Upon the Burningà of Our House à à à The theological concept of humankindââ¬â¢s inherent depravity created tension in the lives of seventeenth century New England Puritans.à The Puritans believed that humans were born sinful and remained in this condition throughout life.à This doctrine stressed self-discipline and introspection, through which the Puritan sought to determine whether particular spiritual strivings were genuine marks of true religiosity.à God preordained election to heaven, and some Puritans would be saved through the righteousness of Jesus Christ despite their sins.à There was no certainty in this life what eternal destiny awaited because the knowledge of who was elect was a divine mystery.à The experience of conversion, where the soul, touched by the Holy Spirit, is turned from sinfulness to holiness, was at least some indication of election.à Although full assurance might never be attained, the conviction of having been chosen by God fortified the Puritans to contend with the hardships of creating a community of Christ in the New World.à This fundamental knowledge of personal depravity, the essence of Puritan theology, created an atmosphere of constant introspection in a cyclical battle with worldly sin always ending with the acknowledged depravity.à à The awareness of Godââ¬â¢s preordained elect few did not inhibit the perseverance all Puritans applied to acknowledge depravity and to try and overcome sinfulness.à This concept of depravity as the cornerstone of Puritan faith became a central theme in Puritan writing. Poet Anne Bradstreet wrote about her life and how her trials ever urged her to continue her self-inspection in an effort to attempt to subdue the carnal desires of this world.à The Puritan dogma of introspection created a framework for literary confession in the poem ââ¬Å"Upon the Burning of Our House July 10th, 1666.â⬠à This framework freed Anne Bradstreet to fully explore her beliefs without direct challenge to authority; thus she both remains within and steps outside of traditional Puritan beliefs, ultimately allowing her to find solace and comfort in the promise of heavenly reward.à In the poem ââ¬Å"Upon the Burning of Our Houseâ⬠Anne Bradstreet exemplifies the normal Puritan lifestyle of tension, although tempered with an allusion of hopefulness not usual in Puritan theology.à Opening with an image of sleep, the poem alerts the reader to what would be considered a moral lapse by Bradstreet, for she was not being ever watchful for sin. The notion of millenialism, to go through life as though the second coming of Christ was imminent, meant that a Puritan was always prepared for the judgement day.
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